While I have nothing against the transgender people as individuals, I do have a problem with such a small percentage of our population creating a problem for the rest of us. If you are born a man you should NOT be able to play women’s sports, nor should you be in women’s locker rooms. At this time most places have “family” bathrooms that Trans people can use so they don’t have to be upset nor do they have to upset others. To be honest if a person is truly trans, you would not even know they are in the bathroom with you. The problem is when we have those who are taken advantage of what is going on in our Nation to use that to get ahead or to get something for free. An example of that would be a man being on the women’s swim team. That man is taking a scholarship that was meant for a women athlete, and the man would not have been able to get a scholarship for the men’s team. We can not allow this to be the new normal.
No one really likes to follow politics anymore unless they are diehards. I once was one of those but its to much to watch our elected officials screw up our nation daily. Just gets my blood boiling. What we need to watch is what is in the bills they are passing in OUR NAME. Remember they work for us. When we don’t pay attention to what Congress and the President is doing, ( Not the sound bites) we get things like the keystone pipe line canceled. Oil still gets transported but now it comes by rail. Which is worse for the environment then having the pipe line. Plus it caused the price of gas to go up which of course caused the price of everything else to go up. The price of gas went up a year before the Russians invaded the Ukraine. Once again We the People allowed a small percentage of our population to screw up our nation.
Our School systems are not teaching our Children critical thinking, they are teaching them to be test takers. I won’t get into the CRT or any of the other things that are going on in the schools as it blows my mind that we are not focusing on the big 5, Math, Science, English,History and Civics. We used to teach Civics with History but as it stands now we can no longer afford to do so as the Children are not learning how are Government is designed to work. How did this happen? Once again We the People stop paying attention to what was going on in the schools.
We have been at war since 2001, yet there are people who forget or don’t even give it a second though unless someone they know has to deploy. Or one of their friends children gets killing or wounded. How have we let this war drag on for so long? Yes I know most people think since we pulled out of Afghanistan the war is over. Sadly that is not the case, we have boots on the ground in more Countries now then we did back in 2010. We just don’t talk about it.
As a Nation we are broke, we owe $31 trillion and counting, yet we keep spending like that’s going to get us out of this hole. I know I can’t run my household budget like that. While I don’t think cutting Social Security or Medicare is the way to go, I do think that we could decrease some of our other spending. When was the last time we did an audit on the Federal Government? How many duplicate programs or departments do we have? With China stepping up their Military game I don’t think cutting Military spending is the way to go, but there is still plenty we could trim.