Saturday AM news dump, wee bit late.

SeaWorld appeals ruling barring trainers in water (Its Seaworld they need trainers in the water)

Georgia jeweler: Buy a diamond, get free hunting rifle (that’s just wrong on so many levels )

Obama Accuses Congress Of Taking ‘Campaign’ Break (pot calling the kettle black? or is it just me?)

Do we need to follow France’s lead again? Seems they are not taking threats lightly over the cartoon poking fun at the Prophet. Pretty simple don’t threatening people over a cartoon.

Two’s Company, Three’s a Positive Role Model
Yep this is what’s being promoted in a Toronto school district. Come on folks this is getting a little silly.

The Issue with the Issues. Great read, best non-talking points on election.

Do we want to enjoy the individual freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States, and continue to be a country where the rule of law and justice is equal for all? Or do we want a small group of elitist in Washington D.C. picking winners and losers from their ivory towers, while running all aspects of our lives up to and including, whether or not we are entitled to healthcare treatment, or should resign ourselves to dying for the greater good?

Just a small part of the article.